Tuesday 4 December 2012

The World’s Energy Crisis

The world is gradually over time heading to severe energy crisis with an ever-increasing need of energy overstepping its usage. We've often thought which the energy we use everyday is not illimitable, yet most of the people take it without any consideration. Oil, gas, power, even water has decreased availability. In spite of that, we still have not necessarily quite taken enough preventive measure to deal with a possibilities energy crisis. When I say ‘we’, I am not relating the governments but to all of us, the common people.

Oil and gas have already become too costly, and with each passing day, they are moving towards being lost. Several ignorant people think that energy crisis is a kind of myth. These folks fail to spot the big picture. There have been three major energy crises for the time being – the 1973 oil crisis, the 1979 energy crisis, and the 1990 oil-price increase, except several regional crisis. Prices have been aggressively boosting for the previous five years, thanks to the ever-increasing demand and the increasing lack of energy resources.

How soon could it be all gone?

Are the cynics correct in mentioning we are making a mountain of a molehill, or may be is the energy crisis for real? Just imagine this: We have already exhausted 50 percent of the existing oil. Towards the present rate of usage, the remainder of the oil will finish in 32 years! Imagine when the rate of usage boosts! Everyone knows it is guaranteed to increase. So, even the present generation will face an intense energy crisis in the later years, not to mention future descendants.

What are we doing regarding it?

Are we fit to face the impending energy crisis? What may we do to tackle it? To begin with, we need to understand the importance of energy in our lives and stop taking it for granted. We have to decrease use of oil, gas, electricity, or any other fuel. We cannot afford to fritter away any available energy. It is also helpful to spread consciousness about decreased availability of energy resources. Simple things such as joining a car pool, switching off car engines at traffic lights, and decreasing the usage of gas and oil in everyday routine can help a long way in crisis-readiness.

What are the alternate energy options?

As a responsible world resident, start looking for alternate energy options like solar energy and wind energy. Employing these alternative energy options is enormously feasible and budget friendly. You will not only minimize your power expenditure but in addition contribute to a greater future of the world.

Create power at home with solar and wind energy to decrease your power cost. Have our complete handbook HERE now!

Sunday 4 November 2012

How is electricity produced conventionally?

Making electricity

How is electricity produced conventionally?

Conventionally, electricity is produced by moving colossal turbines. These turbines are moved with the help of various types of energy. Let’s look at the most conventional ways of producing electrical energy:

• By using various fuels and water - Water is heated on a large-scale in furnaces. The vapor generated helps move the blades of turbines. Fuels like petroleum, coal, and natural gas are used to heat large quantities of water.

• By nuclear fission - Electricity is produced in nuclear reactors by making use of the heat generated in the chain reaction caused by nuclear fission. This heat boils water on a large scale converting it into vapor that turns the blades of the turbines.

• By bio-waste - Electricity is now also being produced by burning bio-fuels instead of fossil fuels. Bio-fuels are obtained from biological waste, mainly from plants. Bio-fuels are considered safer than fossil fuels.

• By hydro-power - Water is also a popular method of producing electricity. Rivers and large bodies of water are used to move huge turbines. Though this method of electricity production does not affect the air around us, it spoils the ecological balance inside the water bodies.

• By wind - Electricity is produced by wind generators. These wind generators convert wind energy into mechanical energy which is further converted into electrical energy.

Why is there a need for looking for alternate electricity sources?

Alternate power solutions are needed in the light of highly-depleting fuels and energy sources. Moreover, most of the convention ways of electricity production harms the environment in one way or the other.

The world is currently faced with tremendous power-crisis. We can no longer depend on fossil fuels for power. At the same time, we need to take measures to prevent the harmful effects that convention power production has on the environment.

How can we produce electricity?

In times of global power-crisis and severe environmental-damage, the question is: what can we do to help? We can do plenty if we want to. We need to start with consuming less power. Next, we can employ any of the following energy solution to make electricity:

• Wind power solution – Installing a wind turbine can help generate electricity for our homes and farms.

• Solar power solution – Using the solar power to cook light up and heat our homes is a wise idea.

• Bio-gas – Bio-gas can be used to produce electricity on small scales.

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Get our complete guide HERE now!